MarketPlace Information

What is MarketPlace?
What portion of sales goes back to the artisan?
What are the 10 Fair Trade Principles set by The World Fair Trade Organization?
When will the next catalog be out?
Does MarketPlace attend local events and fairs?
How can I learn about Wholesale opportunities?

My Order

How can I return or exchange an item?
How do I wash my MarketPlace products?
What size should I order?
What is the status of my order?
What is the status of my return/exchange?
How can I talk to a MarketPlace representative?
Do you ship internationally?
What if an item I order is out of stock?
How do I send a gift?
How can I pay for my purchases?
How do I change or cancel an order?
How do I track my order's status?
What are your shipping charges?
What is your typical delivery time?

What is MarketPlace?

MarketPlace: Handwork of India is a not-for-profit organization which supports economic development for disadvantaged women in India. MarketPlace eschews the charity-based aid model, believing that it is better to give the artisans the opportunity to build their own viable and sustainable businesses. Through MarketPlace-supported programs the artisans receive training and education to help them set up and manage their own cooperatives. They also benefit from programs designed to encourage their personal growth as self-sufficient, self-confident and self-respecting women who are working to improve their lives, their families' futures, and their communities. MarketPlace is proud to market in the U.S. the products made by these women.

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What portion of sales goes back to the artisan?

First of all, we are glad that our customers are interested in educating themselves about fair trade and want to be responsible consumers.

We would like to reframe the question to: What do the artisans get from making the products sold through MarketPlace: Handwork of India?

We will try to answer the question to everyone's satisfaction, but keep in mind that we are not a charity whose central function is to distribute contributed money. In that case, it is prudent and responsible to ask how much money is going towards administration and is not reaching the people in need. In our case, MarketPlace is a business which is also a nonprofit (a registered 501(C) 3 organization).

As a nonprofit and fair trade organization, it could be said that all of the money raised goes to support the artisans and their cooperatives. Fair Trade is not just about wages, but also encompasses qualities such as sustainability, transparency, and equality. The World Fair Trade Organization, of which we are a member, outlines 10 Fair Trade Principles. (Read what the 10 principles are in the next section below.) WFTO also monitors its members to make sure that these principles are followed.

Since its inception in 1986, MarketPlace has viewed its work with the artisans in a holistic manner. Economic empowerment is just the first step in empowering the women artisans. "Leadership By Design" sums up our strategy. Planning and controlling every aspect of production has given women basic skills that they put to use in planning other aspects of their lives and in taking initiatives in community actions. They are getting involved in their children's schools, and they are forging new relationships with their husbands and children, especially their daughters.

Various social programs like Darpan, Social Action, Armaan club all act as a platform for leadership building, learning, dissemination of information and ultimately improving the quality of life for the artisans, their children and their communities. MarketPlace funds a non-profit organization called SHARE in Mumbai. SHARE is responsible for overseeing the social programs and helping the artisans to design and execute these programs.

Our motto is "Dignity not Charity" because dignity is an extremely important value for MarketPlace. We do not want customers to purchase a product because they feel sorry for the artisans. We want them to purchase because of the value and quality of the product; the fact that it is helping a woman artisan is icing on the cake. In order to do this, we have to market the products efficiently and be better than our for-profit competition. Hence we have business-related expenses in this country, such as printing the catalogs, warehousing and packing the merchandise, and taking and fulfilling orders. We do a small amount of promotion, most of it free or low-cost.

All of this is in support of sales, which in turn directly support the artisans, the cooperatives, and the programs in India. Staff in the U.S. is paid a fair wage, and we pursue any cost-cutting or pro-bono opportunities available to us to keep operating costs down. For example, our catalog printer gives us a special rate, and we have volunteer lawyers and marketing experts who donate their time and expertise. The goal of all of it is to see that the artisans can build and run successful businesses in India. The artisans own their own cooperatives, with MarketPlace staff and programs in India providing training and education to help make them viable and sustainable businesses.

We design products specifically keeping in mind the skills of the artisans in all areas: fabric printing, sewing and embroidery. Most of the artisans are paid on a piece-work basis and we do time studies to determine the time taken for each garment. The business leaders of each group meet to determine the cost of each product.

To take you through the pricing structure, we start in India with MarketPlace Mumbai and the artisan cooperatives working out a mutually acceptable costing format. This takes into account the cost of the materials (fabric, thread, buttons, tags) and labor (cutting, sewing, embroidery, ironing). To this total another 15% is added for overhead expenses of the premises and supervisory staff of the cooperative and a 10% for which the cooperatives themselves determine the use. This 10% is used for picnics, gifts to the artisans at Diwali and sometimes as loans for health expenses. The MarketPlace office in India adds another 15% to this amount, which pays for product development, quality checking by the artisans, packing materials, agent fees, sample costs, and the costs of the Mumbai office (2 staffers, rent, etc.). MarketPlace in the U.S. pays for shipping and customs, which amount to about 1.4 times the cost of the products. Any amount in excess of all these costs goes to India to help pay for programs and services for the artisans.

The clear and constant goal for all of this is to empower the artisans. They receive a good wage, and their businesses are successfully run on fair and democratic principles, with decent conditions and no child labor. They can take advantage of the programs designed to support their personal and professional growth and help them and their families to prosper. Such programs include groups designed to help the women become decision-makers and leaders and also programs to give their children useful counseling and educational support. All of these programs are developed in India in collaboration with the artisans. They decide what they need, and the SHARE (our nonprofit partner in India) staff helps to put together resources. These programs are paid for partially from sales revenue, partially from donations to MarketPlace and SHARE, and also from any available grants, contributions or volunteers here or in India.

As a fair trade organization and a member of the World Fair Trade Organization and founding member of Fair Trade Federation in the US, we are fully committed to these principles covering the ethics and responsibilities of creating opportunities for disadvantaged producers. Our success is not measured in profits, but in the women who are learning to run their own businesses, express their own opinions, and make sure that their children face a more promising future.

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What are the 10 Fair Trade Principles set by The World Fair Trade Organization?

World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) 10 Standards of Fair Trade 18 November 2009

WFTO prescribes 10 Standards that Fair Trade Organizations must follow in their day-to-day work and carries out monitoring to ensure these principles are upheld:

Standard One: Creating Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers Poverty reduction through trade forms a key part of the organization's aims. The organization supports marginalized small producers, whether these are independent family businesses, or grouped in associations or co-operatives. It seeks to enable them to move from income insecurity and poverty to economic self-sufficiency and ownership. The trade supports community development. The organization has a plan of action to carry this out.

Standard Two: Transparency and Accountability The organization is transparent in its management and commercial relations. It is accountable to all its stakeholders and respects the sensitivity and confidentiality of commercial information supplied. The organization finds appropriate, participatory ways to involve employees, members and producers in its decision-making processes. It ensures that relevant information is provided to all its trading partners. The communication channels are good and open at all levels of the supply chain.

Standard Three: Trading Practices The organization trades with concern for the social, economic and environmental well-being of marginalized small producers and does not maximize profit at their expense. It is responsible and professional in meeting its commitments in a timely manner.

Suppliers respect contracts and deliver products on time and to the desired quality and specifications. Fair Trade buyers, recognizing the financial disadvantages producers and suppliers face, ensure orders are paid on receipt of documents and according to the attached guidelines. An interest free pre payment of at least 50% is made if requested.

Where southern Fair Trade suppliers receive a pre payment from buyers, they ensure that this payment is passed on to the producers or farmers who make or grow their Fair Trade products.

Buyers consult with suppliers before canceling or rejecting orders. Where orders are cancelled through no fault of producers or suppliers, adequate compensation is guaranteed for work already done. Suppliers and producers consult with buyers if there is a problem with delivery, and ensurecompensation is provided when delivered quantities and qualities do not match those invoiced.

The organization maintains long term relationships based on solidarity, trust and mutual respect that contribute to the promotion and growth of Fair Trade. It maintains effective communication with its trading partners. Parties involved in a trading relationship seek to increase the volume of the trade between them and the value and diversity of their product offer as a means of growing Fair Trade for the producers in order to increase their incomes. The organization works cooperatively with the other Fair Trade Organizations in country and avoids unfair competition. It avoids duplicating the designs of patterns of other organizations without permission.

Standard Four: Payment of a Fair Price A fair price is one that has been mutually agreed by all through dialogue and participation, which provides fair pay to the producers and can also be sustained by the market. Where Fair Trade pricing structures exist, these are used as a minimum. Fair pay means provision of socially acceptable remuneration (in the local context) considered by producers themselves to be fair and which takes into account the principle of equal pay for equal work by women and men. Fair Trade marketing and importing organizations support capacity building as required to producers, to enable them to set a fair price.

Standard Five: Child Labour and Forced Labour The organization adheres to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and national / local law on the employment of children. The organization ensures that there is no forced labour in its workforce and / or members or homeworkers.

Organizations who buy Fair Trade products from producer groups either directly or through intermediaries ensure that no forced labour is used in production and the producer complies with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and national / local law on the employment of children. Any involvement of children in the production of Fair Trade products (including learning a traditional art or craft) is always disclosed and monitored and does not adversely affect the children's well-being, security, educational requirements and need for play.

Standard Six: Non Discrimination, Gender Equity and Freedom of Association The organization does not discriminate in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, HIV/Aids status or age.

The organization provides opportunities for women and men to develop their skills and actively promotes applications from women for job vacancies and for leadership positions in the organization. The organization takes into account the special health and safety needs of pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers. Women fully participate in decisions concerning the use of benefits accruing from the production process.

The organization respects the right of all employees to form and join trade unions of their choice and to bargain collectively. Where the right to join trade unions and bargain collectively is restricted by law and/or political environment, the organization will enable means of independent and free association and bargaining for employees. The organization ensures that representatives of employees are not subject to discrimination in the workplace. Organizations working directly with producers ensure that women are always paid for their contribution to the production process, and when women do the same work as men they are paid at the same rates as men. Organizations also seek to ensure that in production situations where women's work is valued less highly than men's work, women's work is re-valued to equalize pay rates and women are allowed to undertake work according to their capacities.

Standard Seven: Working Conditions The organization provides a safe and healthy working environment for employees and / or members. It complies, at a minimum, with national and local laws and ILO conventions on health and safety.

Working hours and conditions for employees and / or members (and any homeworkers) comply with conditions established by national and local laws and ILO conventions.

Fair Trade Organizations are aware of the health and safety conditions in the producer groups they buy from. They seek, on an ongoing basis, to raise awareness of health and safety issues and improve health and safety practices in producer groups.

Standard Eight: Capacity Building The organization seeks to increase positive developmental impacts for small, marginalized producers through Fair Trade.

The organization develops the skills and capabilities of its own employees or members. Organizations working directly with small producers develop specific activities to help these producers improve their management skills, production capabilities and access to markets' local / regional / international / Fair Trade and mainstream as appropriate. Organizations which buy Fair Trade products through Fair Trade intermediaries in the South assist these organizations to develop their capacity to support the marginalized producer groups that they work with.

Standard Nine: Promotion of Fair Trade The organization raises awareness of the aim of Fair Trade and of the need for greater justice in world trade through Fair Trade. It advocates for the objectives and activities of Fair Trade according to the scope of the organization. The organization provides its customers with information about itself, the products it markets, and the producer organizations or members that make or harvest the products. Honest advertising and marketing techniques are always used.

Standard Ten: Environment Organizations which produce Fair Trade products maximize the use of raw materials from sustainably managed sources in their ranges, buying locally when possible. They use production technologies that seek to reduce energy consumption and where possible use renewable energy technologies that minimize greenhouse gas emissions. They seek to minimize the impact of their waste stream on the environment. Fair Trade agricultural commodity producers minimize their environmental impacts, by using organic or low pesticide use production methods wherever possible.

Buyers and importers of Fair Trade products give priority to buying products made from raw materials that originate from sustainably managed sources, and have the least overall impact on the environment.

All organizations use recycled or easily biodegradable materials for packing to the extent possible, and goods are dispatched by sea wherever possible.

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When will the next catalog be out?

MarketPlace prints and mails out four catalogs each year - one in Spring (March), Summer (May), Fall (August) and Late Fall (October). Every catalog showcases a new collection of clothing and accessories.
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Does MarketPlace attend local events and fairs?

MarketPlace no longer attends local events and trade fairs. Our products are available exclusively through our catalog, our website, and through selected retailers who support our mission. We do not have a retail store.
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How can I learn about Wholesale opportunities?

Potential wholesale customers can get our wholesale policy and prices by calling our Customer Service department at 1-800-726-8905 or by emailing customerservice@marketplaceindia.com. Click here for more information about wholesale opportunities.
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How can I return or exchange an item?

The artisans work hard to produce a good-quality and well-designed product, and we want you to be happy with your purchase.

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, however, MarketPlace accepts returns and exchanges within 30 days of receipt. All clothing items must be in original, unworn condition with tags attached/included, and in original packaging.

Please note that MarketPlace does not pay for return shipping or refund original shipping charges unless the item sent was damaged or we sent the wrong item by mistake.

Please do not return items without prior approval. Click here to create a request for a Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA #). You will need to have your order information handy to complete the request. Once the request is submitted, customer service will send you your RMA #. If you have additional questions, please contact Customer Service at 1.800.726.8905 or via email at customerservice@marketplaceindia.com

RMA # requests are processed during regular Customer Service hours, Monday - Thursday 9am - 6pm, Friday 9am - 3pm ET. Requests may take up to 48 hours to process.

Once you receive your RMA # fill out the Return/Exchange Form which was included with your order and record the RMA # on it. This will expedite the return process at our warehouse.

Returns sent via U.S. Postal Service should be insured for your protection. Retain a copy of your return tracking number for your records.

Returns are to be directed to:

MarketPlace: Handwork of India
601 Main St
New Windsor MD 21776

Please call MarketPlace's Customer service at 1-800-726-8905 if you have any questions regarding your return or exchange.
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How do I wash my MarketPlace products?

Most MarketPlace products are 100% cotton. Machine wash separately, in cold water, using a gentle cycle and full load setting. A handful of salt or a quarter cup of vinegar added to the first wash will help set the dye. Line dry.
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What size should I order?

Please take time to find the right size by using a measuring tape.

Bust: Measure under arms, around the fullest part of your chest.
Waist: Measure around your natural waist line, keeping the tape relaxed.
Hips: Measure around the fullest part of your hips or measure when sitting in a chair.
Pant length: Measure from your natural waist to your ankle. Since our pants are not fitted, measurements stated are not inseam.
Top & Dress Length: Measure from the shoulder high-point.
Petite Sizes: Recommended for women 5'0"-5'4". Reduced sleeve and torso length to better fit smaller frames.
For our Size Chart, click here.

Tips for the Right Fit

MarketPlace garments are designed to provide a loose fit. The jackets and vests are meant to layer over shirts or tops or a sweater. The lengths given in the descriptions are for medium. The length for the other sizes increases or decreases by approximately 1". The length of the pants is the outside seam measurement.

Most Marketplace products are 100% cotton. The fabrics are pre-washed and do not shrink. Ordering the right fit will help ensure your satisfaction. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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What is the status of my order?

All MarketPlace orders placed at this website will be acknowledged on receipt via email. Contact our Customer Service department by phone during business hours (Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) at the following telephone number or via email by clicking on Contact Us on the Quick Links menu at the bottom of the Home page. 
Phone: 1-800-726-8905

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What is the status of my return/exchange?

You can contact our Customer Service department by phone during business hours (Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) at the following telephone number or by email by clicking on "Contact us" to check the status of your return or exchange:

Phone: 1-800-726-8905

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How can I talk to a MarketPlace representative?

You can contact our Customer Service department by phone during business hours (Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time):

Phone: 1-800-726-8905

You can also conveniently contact MarketPlace by sending us an email from this site, using the contact us link. We will respond promptly to your query. MarketPlace can also be contacted by sending us a conventional letter by mail at the following address:

MarketPlace: Handwork of India
601 Main St
New Windsor, MD 21776

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Do you ship internationally?

MarketPlace ships to the U.S., U.S. Territories, and Canada only. Canadian orders ship via USPS. Unfortunately we do not ship to other international addresses.

For additional information about shipping, click here.

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What if an item I order is out of stock?

Our products involve a lot of handwork from producing the fabric to hand embroidery. Weather conditions can interfere with some of the hand-dyeing techniques and there are occasional unforeseen problems. This means that products you order from MarketPlace may occasionally not arrive on time and are labeled “Backordered.” If an item is on backorder when you place your order, it will be backordered and you will receive it as soon as it arrives. Be assured that the artisans are working hard to make the backordered items and get it to you as soon as possible. Customer Service will be able to give you an idea of when the backordered items will be arriving.
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How do I send a gift?

If you want to send a gift, you can do so conveniently by shopping on our website as you would do if you were shopping for yourself. At checkout, you put the address of the person you would like to send the gift to as the shipping address. For the billing address you put your own address. MarketPlace will send you the receipt and the gift will be sent to the person you designate along with a card and a brief phrase of your choice. You can also purchase a MarketPlace gift certificate.

The gift certificate will be mailed directly to the person you designate as the "giftee" and a receipt will be mailed to you.
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How can I pay for my purchases?

At this website we accept payment for purchases by the following cards - Discover, MasterCard and Visa. You can also mail an order to the following address, enclosing a check payment for your order. You can conveniently use the shopping cart for this purpose. Just print out your order and mail it in with your check payment to the following address:

MarketPlace: Handwork of India
601 Main St, P.O. Box 365
New Windsor, MD 21776

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How do I change or cancel an order?

If an order is in stock it will be shipped at the latest within 2-4 working days. You can cancel your order if it has not been processed. If you would like to change or cancel an order before it is processed, please call our Customer Service department at 1-800-726-8905 to check the status and advise us of your revised requirements. We will do our best to accommodate you.
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How do I track my order's status?

All MarketPlace orders placed at this website will be acknowledged by email on receipt. If you wish you can contact our Customer Service department by phone during business hours (Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) at the following telephone number or click on "Contact us" to check the status of your order.

Phone: 1-800-726-8905

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What are your shipping charges?

We charge shipping and handling charges as per the total order amount. Details of these charges can be seen in the following shipping and handling charges table.

Order Value (USD) Standard Shipping (USD) 2-Day Shipping (USD) Next Day (USD)
$0.00 - $75.00 $7.95 $15.95 $22.95
$75.01 - $249.99 $10.95 $18.95 $25.95
$250 or More FREE $18.95 $25.95

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What is your typical delivery time?

Standard Shipping: If an order is in-stock, we will ship your order within 3-5 business days after receipt. Each item is carefully inspected, packed, and shipped via FedEx ground shipping or U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail. Delays caused by FedEx, USPS, incorrect address or weather are beyond our control, but we apologize for any inconvenience.  For more information, see our Shipping information page here.

Express: If you would like your order shipped via 2nd day. Orders placed before noon Eastern Standard Time will be delivered on the 2nd business day.

If you would like to receive your order overnight. Orders placed before noon Eastern Standard Time will be delivered on the next business day.

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