Meet Renu Vishvakarma

September 10, 2021
Meet Renu Vishvakarma

"We should have confidence in ourselves."

Renu Vishvakarma - SAHARA COLLECTIVE SINCE 2016

The past year has shown us that life can be unpredictable. We have all been through changes emotional, physical and financial but it has been the toughest for those who lost a loved one.

Renu lost her husband in October. She lives with many family members and there had been friction between her husband, who was an alcoholic, and the others. He was hospitalized a week before his death. His family did not visit or claim his body after he died. It was left to Renu to organize the rituals and traditions after her husband's death, while also caring for a bed-ridden mother-in-law. "My children have always been hard working and supportive," she said. "The tragedy brought us together as a family like never before."

Renu has been part of Sahara for 5 years, a relatively short period compared to artisans who have worked there for decades. Nevertheless, the group went out of their way to support her. They contributed financial help for the medical bills and took turns cooking food for Renu and her children. The women visited daily to offer emotional support as well.

When Renu first joined Sahara, she didn't participate in group discussions much, her demeanor quiet. As a child she was nicknamed 'Gungi Gudiya' (literal translation "dumb doll") because she had a speech problem. "I have learnt how to speak after coming here," Renu says. "My most important learning is that we should have confidence in ourselves."

Rabila Aburkani

Tags:   Women Empowerment  
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So inspiring!
Sep 23, 2021
By Renee Weitzner
I am overjoyed to see the growth in this woman's life..Sometimes groups get together at just the right time, and it seems this is true for this group, too. No wonder I love supporting Marketplace: Handwork of India!

Together We Grow
Sep 23, 2021
By Mary Williams
I was very impressed with the group support for Renu. I am sure she suffered, however with the empathy and support of her group she survived and they will all thrive. I am proud to wear the clothes touched by these caring hands. Namaste Beautiful Hearts caring hands