Empowering Change

November 26th, 2024
Empowering Change

Who Are The MarketPlace India Artisans?

Each woman creating our handmade clothing has her own unique story of overcoming adversity, yet their lives share common themes:

Most grew up in rural villages and received little formal schooling, reflecting a traditional view that devalues girls' education.

Most entered arranged marriages and moved to Mumbai for their husband's work, leaving behind their families and communities.

Many had little control over their finances or future savings, deferring to husbands who controlled bank accounts and made household decisions.

With few marketable skills or education, little experience with urban life, and the responsibilities of caring for children, many were isolated in their new environment.

Artisan women together at the cooperative

The artisans are organized into 11 cooperatives, each run and managed by the artisans themselves with support and guidance from MarketPlace. The responsibility of running and managing the cooperatives fosters empowerment, in addition to the pride and fulfillment of owning their own businesses.

Artisan women doing yoga and reading a news paper

To further support their growth, a range of leadership development and empowerment programs are conducted. These include weekly Yoga classes, monthly newspaper readings in the cooperatives, and sessions on financial management, women's rights, child development, and personal growth.

Many of the women are now working outside the home for the first time, contributing income to their households, managing bank accounts, and saving for their children's education--ensuring both boys and girls have access to learning opportunities.

Two women artisans in India with their childern.

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LOVE to all of you!
Dec 31, 2024
By Peg
I receive joy every time I wear one of your creations. They are so enjoyable, comfortable and colorful. I do think of you every time I wear one and finger the embroidery. When I get stopped by a woman passing by I always tell her what you do and the benefit to women and their families. I was even complimented by a man once. I have been a customer and an evangelist of your work for over 10 years. I have my first tag - number 51K-03. Signed by Meena and Ranjay. I have my most recent waiting for me now in my post box which I will go down later this morning and get. I love seeing your new arrivals and wish I could buy more. Please do keep working and know there are so many of us that wear and appreciate all your work!
Owner Response: Thank you for your very kind words Peg and for being a champion of MarketPlace. We'll pass on your comment to the artisans in India. They love to hear nice things from customers.