New Year Resolutions
January 06, 2020
Like people all over the world, the artisans in India took a few minutes to come up with their own New Year's Resolutions. Wanting to start the new year - and the new decade - off right, they reflected on their lives and came up with some specific goals and hopes.
Their resolutions reflect their desire to be strong, plan better, save for a better life and take time for themselves. Looking at these resolutions, one can see echoes of the dreams of women everywhere.
Deepika Surti - WARE Collective
Mangalsutra is a wedding necklace
Sabarmati Prajapati - WARE Collective
Kavita Pilane - Jivdani Cooperative
Sudha Shukla - Sahara Collective
Shanti Gudiya - Jivdani Cooperative