Utsaah Cooperative
Utsaah was founded in 2022, making it one of the newer cooperatives. Yet some of the artisans had been working with MarketPlace for over 24 years!
They had belonged to a former group called Sahara, which dated back to the early days of MarketPlace, when operations and even values were still being shaped. Unlike the now‐established pattern of setting up a new cooperative, which involves early artisan support and equal participation, Sahara was organized and owned by one individual.
When financial irregularities and philosophical differences caused MarketPlace to stop working with Sahara, many women found themselves without employment. They were reluctant at first to undertake forming their own group as they had little experience in the business aspects. The prospect of assuming so many new responsibilities was daunting. Eventually they had the confidence to organize. Their new attitude is reflected in the name they chose: Utsaah means enthusiasm and eagerness.
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